Array Methods
📚 Table of Contents |
push() |
pop() |
shift() |
unshift() |
reverse() |
sort() |
concat() |
includes() |
slice() |
splice() |
forEach() |
map() |
filter() |
find() |
join() |
- so, same deal as the string methods, JS comes packed with methods for working with arrays
- some of these, like
, are crucial when doing real frontend work to render data on a UI in React - I will show a lot of the array methods here but not all, there are over 30 of them so this is about half
- as always, ask chatgpt and Google what you need or go right to the docs (opens in a new tab) to see everything
- an array to work with:
let peanuts = ["Snoopy", "Woodstock", "Charlie Brown"];
adds an element to an array- it tacks it on to the end of the array
- when you push an element to an array, that element is now last
console.log(peanuts.push("Lucy")); // ["Snoopy", "Woodstock", "Charlie Brown", "Lucy"]
is the opposite ofpush()
, it will remove the last element of an array
console.log(peanuts.pop()); // ["Snoopy", "Woodstock"];
removes the first element in an array- it shifts all elements to a lower index
console.log(peanuts.shift()); // ["Woodstock", "Charlie Brown"]
adds a new element to an array (at the beginning)- it "unshifts" older elements 🙃
console.log(peanuts.unshift("Lucy")); // ["Lucy", "Snoopy", "Woodstock", "Charlie Brown"]
note: if the above 4 methods are confusing, don't worry about it because push()
is by far the most common and useful one
- heres an easy one.
does exactly what you think it does. it doesn't take in any parameters and works with numbers and strings
console.log(peanuts.reverse()); // ["Charlie Brown", "Woodstock", "Snoopy"]
is awesome but does have some quirks- for sorting arrays of strings alphabetically, it works beautifully off the bat
console.log(peanuts.sort()); // ["Charlie Brown", "Snoopy", "Woodstock",]
- since JS is case sensitive,
will sort upper and lower case separately
let peanutsUpperAndLowerCase = [
"Charlie Brown",
// ["Charlie Brown", "Snoopy", "Woodtock", "snoopy"]
- notice that "snoopy" is at the end
- sorting numbers is a little different. under the hood,
converts the elements to strings and then compares them. that means you can get some wacky results
let nums = [4, 2, 0, 10, 6, 9, 42];
// [0, 10, 2, 4, 42, 6, 9]
- to actually sort numbers in ascending or descending order you have to pass in an optional function as the parameter to
- the way to do it is to pass in a compare function with two parameters (usually
) representing the elements being compared assort()
goes through the array, and to returna - b
for ascending order orb - a
for descending order
let ascendingSorted = nums.sort((a, b) => a - b);
// [0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 42]
let descendingSorted = nums.sort((a, b) => b - a);
// [42, 10, 9, 6, 4, 2, 0]
- if that isn't crystal clear, copy and paste and steal this code for now until you can run it off the top of your head
- same as the string concat method, you can use
to join two arrays
let morePeanuts = ["Spike", "Linus", "Peppermint Patty"];
let lotsOfPeanuts = peanuts.concat(morePeanuts);
console.log(lotsOfPeanuts); // ["Snoopy", "Woodstock", "Charlie Brown", "Spike", "Linus", "Peppermint Patty"]
- same as includes string method
- return
if the array includes what you are looking for
console.log(peanuts.includes("Snoopy")); // true
console.log(peanuts.includes("Ghostface Killa")); // false
- also same as the string slice method
- this works exactly the same as it does on strings as it does on arrays
- it slices out the part that you want
- give it the starting index and then the optional ending index
console.log(peanuts.slice(1)); // ["Woodstock", "Charlie Brown"]
console.log(peanuts.slice(0, 1)); // ["Snoopy"]
- admittedly this one can be confusing, especially because its easy to mix this up with
. luckily this isn't super common but its good to have in the tool belt - when you splice something in, you usually remove something and then add another thing. I think of how they used to edit old school reel to reel tapes
- the first parameter defines the position where new elements should be added (spliced in) and the second parameter defines how many elements should be removed and then the rest are what you want to add in
peanuts.splice(1, 1, "Sally", "Pig-Pen");
console.log(peanuts); // ["Snoopy", "Sally", "Pig-Pen", "Charlie Brown"]
- we are started at index 1, removing 1 element (Woodstock) and adding in Sally and Pig-Pen
essentially does the same thing as afor loop
, it will give you access to the individual elements in an arrayfor loops
honestly offer so much more as far as flexibility, scope and even have slightly better performance butforEach()
can be clean- the way
works is, you define the value or element you want in a function as the parameter to the method
peanuts.forEach((element) => {
- will give you
Charlie Brown
- optionally, you can also pass in the index if you need that too (I would honestly just use a
for loop
at this point but hey everyone has their own style)
peanuts.forEach((element, index) => {
console.log(element, index);
- will give you
Snoopy 0
Woodstock 1
Charlie Brown 2
will go through each element in an array and return values based on a function that you provide to each element. that function can be whatever you want/need- say you have a numbers array and need to double each number:
let nums = [4, 2, 0, 10, 6, 9, 42];
let numsDoubled = => num * 2);
// [8, 4, 0, 20, 12, 18, 84]
- as I mentioned in the intro to this array methods section,
is super important for when we get to React and instead of talking about it and saying we aren't up to that yet, I want to show why to kind of cut through the gatekeeping, demystify it and get a jump on it map()
actually returns a new array instead of manipulating the original one. that is important and is why it is used to render data from arrays in the actual UI instead offor loops
actually returns new datamap()
plays really well withJSX
which is the React's syntax for JavaScript. it also helps provide React with unique keys which are essential for manipulating the virtual DOM- in real life programming, it is very common to have data as an array of objects, like this:
const users = [
{ id: 1, name: "Snoopy" },
{ id: 2, name: "Woodstock" },
{ id: 3, name: "Charlie Brown" },
- if we were making a UI to display all of the users in an unordered list, this is how we would do it in React
{ => (
<li key={}>{}</li>
is similar tomap()
in that it will create a new array based on a function that you provide- it will filter out any element that doesn't meet your requirements
let nums = [4, 2, 0, 10, 6, 9, 42];
let onlyNumsLessThanTen = nums.filter((num) => num < 10);
// [ 4, 2, 0, 6, 9 ]
- filter works by seeing if the elements in the array are truthy or falsey based on your function
- it is pretty good for searching for specific things
let onlyNamesThatStartWithS = peanuts.filter((name) => name[0] === "S");
console.log(onlyNamesThatStartWithS); // ["Snoopy"]
can be handy but it only finds the first thing of what you are looking for
let nums = [4, 2, 0, 10, 6, 9, 42];
console.log(nums.find(num) => num < 10);
// 4
- similar to how we ended the last section with turning strings into numbers and arrays,
is how you turn arrays into strings - its super straight forward, you just pass in whatever you want to join the elements with
console.log(peanuts.join(", "));
// Snoopy, Woodstock, Charlie Brown
- actually, it still works if you don't pass in anything, just might look funny
// Snoopy,Woodstock,Charlie Brown
- these methods to go back and forth between data types are important and insanely useful, you can see why on in the next section