4.1 Git Setup
Zen and the art of Coding
Please email hello@zenandtheartofcoding.info for a password

Git Setup

  • at this point, you should have VS Code installed on your computer. setting up git is the next big part of your dev environment
  • like coding itself, there are a few ways to use git; you can use the platform's website for most things, you can use your terminal, you can use a desktop client and there are even some awesome git plugins for VS Code itself. the best option is really to use whatever you are comfortable with. I kind of use different methods for different things
  • if you don't have an account already, create one at github.com (opens in a new tab) (unless you are a contrarian and want to go with GitLab or BitBucket)
  • git is so common, it might even be installed on your computer already (both windows & mac). check if its installed by typing this into your terminal:
$ git version
$ brew install git
  • this is optional but I really like the official GitHub desktop client (opens in a new tab). its a GUI (Graphic User Interface) and really does make using the every day git stuff very simple, it even stages your changed files automatically (more on that later)

  • next, connect your git to your GitHub account. you'll need to setup the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface). download it here (opens in a new tab), or if you went the homebrew route, just type in:

$ brew install gh
  • now log in to your GitHub account:
$ gh auth login
  • follow the prompts and you should be good to go. make sure by running:
$ gh auth status