Git Setup
- at this point, you should have VS Code installed on your computer. setting up git is the next big part of your dev environment
- like coding itself, there are a few ways to use git; you can use the platform's website for most things, you can use your terminal, you can use a desktop client and there are even some awesome git plugins for VS Code itself. the best option is really to use whatever you are comfortable with. I kind of use different methods for different things
- if you don't have an account already, create one at (opens in a new tab) (unless you are a contrarian and want to go with GitLab or BitBucket)
- git is so common, it might even be installed on your computer already (both windows & mac). check if its installed by typing this into your terminal:
$ git version
- if not, thats cool too, I got you. heres the mac installer (opens in a new tab) and the windows installer (opens in a new tab) (if you are on linux, I'm sure you can figure it out)
- for my mac homies, you can also check out homebrew (opens in a new tab) and install git that way. homebrew makes downloading packages pretty easy, after installing homebrew you just punch in:
$ brew install git
this is optional but I really like the official GitHub desktop client (opens in a new tab). its a GUI (Graphic User Interface) and really does make using the every day git stuff very simple, it even stages your changed files automatically (more on that later)
next, connect your git to your GitHub account. you'll need to setup the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface). download it here (opens in a new tab), or if you went the homebrew route, just type in:
$ brew install gh
- now log in to your GitHub account:
$ gh auth login
- follow the prompts and you should be good to go. make sure by running:
$ gh auth status